Breakfast Recipe: Make nutrition-rich millet idli in winter, know its recipe

Breakfast Recipe: Make nutrition-rich millet idli in winter, know its recipe


Millet is very beneficial for the body in the winter season.
Idli made with millet khichdi is also very nutritious.

Bajra Idli Recipe: Bajra Idli can be prepared and eaten as a healthy breakfast in winters. People often like to eat Bajra Khichdi in winter because Bajra is a grain rich in properties. In such a situation, if you want to change the taste of your mouth, then you can also try Bajra Idli. Apart from being tasty, this food dish will also be full of nutrition. Potassium, magnesium is found in abundance in millet, which is also very beneficial for the heart. Today, if you want to change your breakfast and try something new, then millet idli will be a perfect dish.
Bajra Idli is easy to make and it can also make breakfast very tasty. Along with elders, children will also like Bajra Idli. If you have not tried making Bajra Idli till now, then with the help of our recipe, you can easily make Bajra Idli.

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Ingredients to make Bajra Idli
Millet – 1 cup
Buttermilk – 1 cup
Black pepper powder – 1 tsp
salt – as per taste

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Millet Idli Recipe
To make nutrition-rich millet khichdi, first clean the millet and then put it in a vessel. Now pour a cup of buttermilk on top and keep the millet soaked for at least 2 hours. After this add black pepper and salt as per taste and mix everything well. After this add a little Eno to this solution and whisk it well.

Now take a pot for making idli and grease it well by applying some oil on it. After this, fill the pot with the help of a bowl by pouring the prepared solution of millet. After this, close the pot and cook the idli for 10-12 minutes by keeping it on the gas. After the fixed time, open the pot and see whether the idli is cooked or not. When the idli is ready, turn off the gas and take out the idli from the pot and let it cool. Nutritious millet idli is ready. Serve it with chutney.

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